Friday, September 10, 2010

l'shova tova

Well, sort of...  I know I know, one I'm not actually Jewish, and two, I'm a day late, but I'm using it as my excuse as to why I didn't post yesterday.  I did still work out, the problem was that I ended up eating out twice (once was when I went to Ruby Tuesdays and the other was Subway).  All in all it's been going well.  I just have to avoid going out to dinner with friends too often as when I do I tend to not eat all that well and break my diet.  So, pics from yesterday (also, as requested they are shirtless):

As for today things went incredibly well.  I found a new app for my phone that tracks my running (note: today I'm at work so I went running outside).  It was a perfect day for it as well.  It was neither scathingly hot nor too humid.  It was a bit cloudy and there was this amazing breeze that made the run enjoyable.  Ended up running a little bit more then 6 miles.  Without further a due, pics from today:

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