Saturday, September 4, 2010

Surfside Six :3

Was at work today, went running outside again, although today the route was down along the water towards the beach and back (approximately 4miles).  Overall a nice peaceful run.  Continued to with getting back on track both with eating as well as the exercise.  The whole not smoking thing as me worried as I don't want to put weight back on like some people do when they quit.  Hoping that the continual exercise will help to curb that off.  Without smoking though I realize I have a lot of free time.  I still enjoy sitting outside just the same.  This morning though was a bit tough as I found a pack of cigarettes in my room.  I had originally brought them with me in the car on the way to work, but decided to toss them.  Hardest thing to do so far: throw away a perfectly good pack of cigarettes (they were cloves too ;- ;).  Not sure what to do about the appetite though (it seems to run rampant as I no longer smoke).  Been trying to suck it up and drink more tea when I'm hungry (I like chai tea).  Also, pics!